Susan Kietzman
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Here you can learn about my most recent novel, It Started in June, as well as my other novels: Every Other Wednesday, The Summer Cottage, A Changing Marriage, and The Good Life. You can contact me for speaking engagements, book group discussions, or fiction writing advice. You can also read my periodic thoughts about reading and writing, and order all five books in trade paperback and e-reader. You can sometimes find me on social media.
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It Started in June
Kensington, May 29, 2018
Grace Trumbull’s after work drink with Bradley Hanover, a handsome younger colleague, on a warm summer night turns into an impulsive, intimate encounter. After a few weeks of exhilarating secret dates, Grace—forty-two and divorced—realizes she’s pregnant.
For Grace, whose estranged mother refers to her own teenage pregnancy as her biggest mistake, the prospect of parenthood is daunting. She’s just been made vice president of a media relations company and is child free by choice. Still, something deeper than her fear makes her want to keep the baby. She knows she can be a better, more capable parent than her mother was to her.
As months pass and seasons change, Grace questions her decision to include Bradley in her plans. But they continue to navigate their complicated relationship, each struggling with what it means to make a commitment to someone. Can a woman with a troubled childhood and a man who has never known trouble merge their divergent experiences into a loving and sustainable life together?